A tiny stone tossed
A splash too small for most to see
A little life lost
It seemed like only tragedy
The water, once still, moved
Although the stone was gone
The circles radiated from a spot no longer smooth
The effect of the stone would ripple on
At first the waves seemed violent
There was no rest between
The circles would not be silent
There was no calm water to be seen
As the circles grew and spread apart
They began to quiet a little
Like the beating of a little heart
The rhythm began to settle
The once still water was changed
Even miles away from the stone
The very molecules rearranged
The effect of the splash clearly shown
And soon other ripples came along
The waves meeting together
Their movement and rhythm like a song
One they will sing forever
What once seemed like just a tragedy
Eventually turned to more
That stone affected change you see
Even the smallest stone moves water from shore to shore